We Need Your Support!

The Play Library experience can only work when we have the support of the community. Play is fun - but it’s not free. When you donate you are helping us Play It Forward. That means that you are helping families in our community connect through play.

Every $200 donation means another family can experience Play Library for a year. You’ll get the recognition for your donation in our Play & Learning Space and Online. Donate TODAY at one of our sponsorship levels - or donate whatever you can give to support our mission and vision.

  • Silver Sponsor $200 = Play it Forward for 1 Family

  • Gold Sponsor $600 = Play it Forward for 3 Families

  • Platinum Sponsor $1000 = Play it Forward for 5 Families

Donate Money!

There are more ways to donate!


Set up Kroger Plus to give to Play Library.

  1. Log in here

  2. Select "Enroll"

  3. Click "Enroll" (again) under "Community Rewards" at the bottom of the page

  4. Type in "Play Library" and Search

  5. Select "Play Library" (we're obviously the only one) and click "Enroll"

  6. Don't forget to always use your Kroger Plus card!


Set up Amazon Smile to give to Play Library.

  1. Sign in to smile.amazon.com

  2. Type in "Play Library" and search.

  3. Hey look! That's us! Hit "Select"

  4. Make sure you start your Amazon shopping spree at smile.amazon.com